Little Bear

Серия мультфильмов на английском языке, снятых в конце прошлого века по мотивам рассказов датской писательницы Эльзы Минарик.

Производство Канада.

Мультфильм снят в классической манере старого доброго мультика. Медведи похожи на реальных медведей, кот на кота, девочка на девочку. Разговаривают и ведут они себя, правда, все как люди.

Главный герой – медвежонок, олицетворяет собой ребенка 6 лет. Его друзья – животные и девочка Эмили. Вместе они познают окружающий их мир.


Little Bear | Маленький медвежонок


Заставка, с которой начинается каждая серия:

The player.


Персонажи мультфильма


Little Bear | Cartoons

Little Bear

Медвежонок гризли. 6 лет. Живёт с родителями в медвежьем лесу.

Little Bear | Emily


7 лет. На правах старшего любит руководить. Обожает свою куклу Люси.

  Little Bear | Cat


Как все коты любит поесть, поспать и погулять сам по себе. Самоуверенность частенько его подводит.

Little Bear | Duck


Домашняя утка. Рассудительная, но медлительная. Объект постоянных дружеских розыгрышей.

Little Bear | Hen


Помешенная на чистоте и порядке курица. Очень любит петь. К сожалению, голос у неё не ангельский..

Little Bear | Owl


Cерьёзная и умная птица. Иногда несколько высокомерна.

Little Bear | Mother Bear

Mother Bear

Мама медвежонка. Домохозяйка.

Little Bear | Father Bear | Little Beer ?

Father Bear

Папа медвежонка. Заядлый рыбак.


Список серий

Season 1 (1995)

  1. What Will Little Bear Wear/Hide and Seek/Little Bear Goes to the Moon
  2. Birthday Soup/Polar Bear/Gone Fishing
  3. Up All Night/Father Bear Comes Home/Little Bear's Bath
  4. A Flu/Exploring /Fishing with Father Bear
  5. Little Bear's Wish/Little Bear's Shadow/Present for Mother Bear
  6. To Grandmother's House/Grandfather Bear/Mother Bear's Robin
  7. Hiccups/Date with Father Bear/Pudding Hill
  8. Little Bear's Mermaid/Father Flying Flapjacks/Maracas
  9. Family Portrait/Little Bear's New Friend/The Visit
  10. Duck, Baby-Sitter/Little Bear's Band/Hop-Frog Pond
  11. Little Bear and the Wind/Goblin/Not Tired
  12. Grandfather's Attic/Little Bear's Egg/Party at Owl's House
  13. Rain-Dance Play/Falling Leaves/Your Friend, Little Bear

Season 2 (1996)
1. Little Bear the Magician/Doctor Little Bear/Bigger Little Bear
2. Little Bear's Trip to the Stars/Little Bear's Surprise/Little Bear and the North Pole
3. Little Bear Meets No Feet/The Campout/Emily's Balloon
4. Cat's Shortcut/Little Bear's Bad Day/Captain Little Bear
5. Building a House for Emily/Emily Returns/Sherlock Little Bear
6. Little Bear's Tooth/Little Red Riding Hood/Little Bear and the Cupcakes
7. The Snowball Fight/Winter Solstice/Snowbound
8. Little Bear's Garden/Prince Little Bear/Painting for Emily
9. Follow the Leader/Little Scarecrow Bear/Little Bear and the Baby
10. Rafting on the River/Little Bear's Kite/Night of the Full Moon
11. Auntie Hen Minds Chickens/Play Ball/Lucy's Okay
12. Between Friends/The Blueberry Festival/Lucy Needs a Friend
13. Picnic at Pudding Hill/Little Bear's Walkabout/Little Bear's Friend

Season 3 (1997)
1. Owl's Dilemma/School for Otters/Spring Cleaning
2. A Whale of a Tale/Mitzi Arrives/Granny's Old Flying Rug
3. Little Bear Sings Song/A House for Mitzi/Up a Tree
4. The Big Bear-Sitter/Top of the World/The Campfire Tale
5. Mitzi's Little Monster/Simon Says/Applesauce
6. Father Bear's Nightshirt/How to Scare Ghosts/Search for Spring
7. Out of Honey/Message in a Bottle/Little Bear's Sweet Tooth
8. Where Lucy Went/Under the Covers/Monster Pudding
9. Gingerbread Cookies/Marbles/The Garden War
10. The Red Thread/Princess Duck/Little Bear Meets Duck
11. Mother Nature/Dance Steps/Who Am I?
12. Emily's Birthday/The Great Race/Circus for Tutu
13. Clever Cricket/Big Bad Broom/Leaves

Season 4 (1998)
1. Pillow Hill/Diva Hen/Father Bear's Little Helper
2. I'll Be You, You'll Be Me/Frog In My Throat/Little Bear the Puddle Jumper
3. Family Bath Time/Winter Wonderland/Mitzi's Mess
4. Moonlight Serenade/Caterpillars/Goblin Night
5. Sleep Over/Sand Castle/Happy Anniversary
6. The April Fool/Balloon Heads/Mother Bear's Button
7. Little Bear and the Ice Boat/Baby Deer/Invisible Little Bear
8. Valentine's Day/Thinking of Mother Bear/I Spy
9. Blue Feather/Thunder Monster/Duck Soup
10. The Little White Skunk/Mother's Day/Little Footprints
11. Rainy Day Friends/Little Goblin Bear/Picnic on the Moon
12. Little Bear and the Sea Monster/Hat Parade/Finding Fisherman Bear
13. The Painting/The Kiss/The Wedding

Season 5 (2000)
1. Duck Loses Her Quack/Feathers in a Bunch/Detective Little Bear
2. The Sky Is Falling/Father's Day/Fisherman Bear's Big Catch
3. The Dandelion Wish/The Broken Boat/Duck Takes the Cake
4. Magic Lemonade/Good Night, Little Bear/ Silly Billy
5. First Frost/Duck And The Winter Moon/Hello Snow
6. Mister Nobody/Who Do I Look Like?/Little Premiere Bear Talks to Himself
7. Pied Piper Little Bear/The Big Swing/I Can Do That
8. Lucky Little Bear/The Greatest Show in the World/Little Bear's Tall Tale
9. Wish Upon a Star/Sleepy Head Monster/Opposites Day
10. Something Old, Something New/In a Little While/Little Bear's Favorite Tree
11. We're Lost/Little, Little Bear/Duck's Big Catch
12. Little Bear Scares Everyone/The One That Got Away/Where Are Little Bear's Crayons?
13. How to Love a Porcupine/How Little Bear Met Owl/A Houseboat for Duck



Little Bear | Мультфильмы на английском

Hosted by uCoz